Throughout the Bible, there are many godly persons who have taken on the role of wearing a mask, in most cases they did not intentionally want to be deceptive, but they did. Adam wore a mask of covering up but realized that he could not hide from God. Abraham a man of faith, and who was regarded as a friend of God wore the mask of lying in order to give protection to his wife. David a man who was regarded as a man after God's own heart, and who had some free time on his hands turned his focus away from God and found pleasure in the wrong places by being unfaithful. As a result of his unfaithfulness, he committed adultery, murder, and pretended that all was well until his sins were found out. David suffered the consequences for his sins. We cannot cover our sins and expect to prosper. Great men have failed on their walk with God, and their failures should be examples to us in our walk with God. We do not have to wear a mask, we do not have to pretend, but we can be authentic in the things that we do. This book "Take off the mask," is showing to us that we are all prone to fail, and so we should at all times endeavor to maintain our focus by looking to Jesus who will not fail us. We should endeavor at all times to be our self by allowing our light to shine forth before men so that others will see Christ living in us.